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Parks and Nature
Fredericksburg and the Texas Hill Country are home to a number of parks. From a kid-friendly playground at Marktplatz, to golfing at Lady Bird Johnson Golf Course, to hiking at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, the Texas Hill Country has something to offer outdoor lovers of every skill level.
In addition to the great parks and trails located in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County, the following parks are located in the Texas Hill Country near Fredericksburg:
Blanco State Park
Located in Blanco County, off U.S. 281 on the south side of Blanco, at the Blanco River bridge. Park camping, RVs, shelters, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hiking, store. (830) 833-4333
Guadalupe River/Honey Creek
Park camping, RVs, picnicking, 3 miles of hiking trails, fishing, swimming, watchable wildlife, store. Located in Comal & Kendall Counties.
(830) 438-2656
Hill Country State Natural Area
Park primitive camping, horseback riding, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, swimming, watchable wildlife, store. Located in Bandera & Medina Counties, 11 miles southwest of Bandera. From Bandera take Texas 173 one mile south to F.M. 1077 (Dixie Dude Rd), then west 10 miles until pavement ends. Continue on gravel road to park entrance.
(830) 796-4413
Inks Lake
Park camping, RVs, shelters, picnicking, 7.5 miles of hiking trails, boating, water skiing, fishing, swimming, golf, watchable wildlife, facilities for handicapped, store. Located in Burnet County, 9 miles west of Burnet off Texas 29, on Park Road 4.
(512) 793-2223
Lost Maples
Park camping, RVs (water & elec.), picnicking, 10 miles of hiking & nature trails, historical site/structure, watchable wildlife, fishing, swimming, interpretive exhibits/museum, store. Located in Bandera County, five miles north of Vanderpool on Ranch Road 187.
(830) 966-3413
Pedernales Falls
Park camping, RVs, picnicking, fishing, swimming, 8 miles of developed hiking trails (additional primitive trail system), mountain biking, horseback riding, nature trail, watchable wildlife, store. Located in Blanco County, nine miles east of Johnson City on F.M. 2766.
(830) 868-7304
South Llano River
Park camping, RVs, picnicking, fishing, swimming, 23 miles of hiking trails, mountain biking, nature trail, watchable wildlife, historical site/structure, store. Located in Kimble County, five miles south of Junction, off U.S. 377 on Park Road 73.
(325) 446-3994