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Enjoy Fredericksburg flavor from home.
Restaurant Carryout and Delivery
Many Fredericksburg area restaurants have reopened with restrictions in accordance with "The Governor's Report to Open Texas" in response to the COVID-19 virus.
This page was created by the Fredericksburg Convention and Visitor Bureau to list those restaurants and establishments that offer carryout, delivery, drive-thru, drive-up services and more, as a resource to our community and to support these establishments during the pandemic.
Purchasing gift cards for the restaurants, bars, wineries, breweries and other food businesses you like to patronize is another great way to help them and their workers during this time of dine-in closure. And remember, if you are able, please tip generously during this time.
This information will be updated frequently, but things are changing quickly, so please verify the details with locations.
Also, see the latest information on shops, events, wineries and attractions at Fredericksburg, TX COVID-19 updates.
To provide an update to this page, click here.