Whitetail Oaks Guesthaus
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Whitetail Oaks Guesthaus


If you're coming to the Hill Country to get away from the city life and soak up some country quiet, then the Guesthaus at Whitetail Oaks may be the Fredericksburg rental you've been looking for. This simple but spacious cabin is located about 15 minutes northwest of downtown Fredericksburg and is nestled on about 20 acres near the historic Cherry Springs community. Guests enjoy a comfortable king size bed, corner whirlpool tub for two in the bath, an electric ambience fireplace, mini-kitchen and a great view from the porch rockers. Perhaps the Guesthaus' most unusual feature, however, is the outdoor shower plus private hot tub. You will find a TV and Blue-Ray player but no cable reception. Bring along some DVD's however and enjoy a lazy morning sleeping in. Sleeps 2.



  • Book Now
  • Number of Guests:
    • 2
  • Property Type: Home
  • Location:
    • Country
  • Peak Price Range: $$$
  • Breakfast: None
  • TV:
  • Indoor Fireplace:
  • Hot Tub:
  • Max Capacity: 2